Problem Reports:

# Synopsis Date Category
4075 Suggestion- Use Ctrl+Minus instead of Ctrl+K 2004/10/17 EiffelStudio
4074 EV_COMBO_BOX_IMP leaks objects allocated by `gtk_vbox_new' 2005/08/05 EiffelVision
4065 Please scroll the Output pane to the top when showing compiler errors 2004/09/23 EiffelStudio
4046 Suggested editor enhancement - Selection Increase similar to CodeRush for Visual Studio 2004/09/21 EiffelStudio
4045 Assignment attempt should be Void, but eventually causes InvalidCastException in .NET 2005/04/04 EiffelStudio
4042 EV_COMBO_BOX does not work as expected 2004/09/21 EiffelVision
4026 Suggestion - let Compilation Error Wizard show the current compiler error automatically 2004/09/06 EiffelStudio
4017 Undocked window with focus prevents access to main menu via the keyboard 2004/09/02 EiffelStudio
4012 There is no documentation of docking for EiffelStudio 2004/09/02 EiffelStudio
3995 Suggestion - After opening a compiled project, remember EiffelStudio's state when th project was las 2004/08/25 EiffelStudio
3989 popup menu when dropping in an EV_TEXT 2004/09/10 EiffelVision
3987 Suggestion - Drag-and-drop classes within the Clusters pane 2004/08/24 EiffelStudio
3984 Suggestion - Shortcut to enable or remove a breakpoint 2004/08/23 EiffelStudio
3968 Memory leaks in Vision2 2004/08/20 EiffelVision
3954 Semantics of TWO_WAY_CURSOR_TREE put_child command 2004/08/15 EiffelStudio
3889 Yes/No/Cancel dialog boxes do not respond to the Y and N keys 2004/07/22 EiffelStudio
3882 Keyboard shortcut equivalent to Ctrl+right-click 2004/07/20 EiffelStudio
3880 Tool tips over Holes during Pick-and-Drop 2004/07/20 EiffelStudio
3858 Suggestion - Double-click or <Enter> in Component Selector to View Component 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3857 Suggestion - Allow clicking of Component Viewer "Target component into tool" button 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3856 Suggestion - Drag-and-drop within the Window Selector 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3855 New Object Editor does not have focus 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3854 New Object Editor is displayed behind Builder Window 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3853 Suggestion - Double-click to create new Object Editor 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3852 Suggestion - Ensure Toolbar Items are available in the Menu 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3850 Suggestion - "Delete" Button allows Click as alternative to Drop 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3849 Suggestion - "New object editor" Buttons allow Click as alternative to Drop 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3847 Suggestion - Drag-and-drop from Type Selector to Layout Constructor 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3846 Suggestion - Double-click or <Enter> in Type Selector 2004/07/15 EiffelBuild
3844 Suggestion: Show the Display Window by default 2004/07/14 EiffelBuild