Problem Reports:

# Synopsis Date Category
5521 Please split "Auto-complete quotes" into three preferences 2005/09/07 EiffelStudio
5481 Autocomplete for 'if' 2005/08/25 EiffelStudio
3617 EV_APPLICATION.process_events overrides mouse cursor 2005/08/22 EiffelVision
5459 Please let class autocompletion work with .NET names as well as Eiffel names 2005/08/18 EiffelStudio
5445 Cannot create delegate for Excel interop callback 2005/08/16 EiffelStudio
5427 Please add a "Diagram" to the main menu 2005/08/11 EiffelStudio
5426 Please let mouse wheel work without having to click first 2005/08/11 EiffelStudio
5349 Creating EV_APPLICATION leaks memory 2005/08/05 EiffelVision
4074 EV_COMBO_BOX_IMP leaks objects allocated by `gtk_vbox_new' 2005/08/05 EiffelVision
5366 Please add a bracket alias to NATIVE_ARRAY 2005/08/01 EiffelStudio
5362 Edit | Paste remains enabled when not appropriate 2005/08/01 EiffelStudio
5351 Cancelled pick causes partial erasure of line to mouse cursor on next pick 2005/07/29 EiffelStudio
5315 Estudio memory leaks revealed by Solaris Modular Debugger 2005/07/26 EiffelStudio
5310 Please let autocompletion work for uncompiled classes 2005/07/25 EiffelStudio
5216 Autocompletion window does not open within quotes 2005/07/22 EiffelStudio
5287 Autocompletion fails to open after a target expression 2005/07/21 EiffelStudio
5153 External Command $file_name no longer works for .NET classes imported from metadata 2005/07/20 EiffelStudio
5218 Terminal indexing immediately following an attribute declaration generates error 2005/07/19 Compiler
5181 Documentation of classes 2005/07/15 Documentation
5146 EV_SPLIT_AREA_I.disable_flat_separator 2005/07/12 EiffelVision
5139 EV_RICH_TEXT.enable_sensitive and background color 2005/07/12 EiffelVision
5143 EiffelStudio .NET app.config file 2005/07/11 EiffelStudio
5137 Feature tool -> Callers is missing cases 2005/07/11 EiffelStudio
5063 {EV_HORIZONTAL_SPLIT_AREA}.extend call violates postcondition 2005/07/04 EiffelVision
5056 Some mouse clicks lost when stepping in debugger 2005/07/03 EiffelStudio
5041 IL Generation Error while compiling 2005/06/30 EiffelStudio
5012 Finalized .NET application places extra files in F_code\Assemblies 2005/06/30 EiffelStudio
4963 "New .NET Application Wizard" does not have focus 2005/06/22 EiffelStudio
4927 Support automatic grouping of boolean fields into a bitset for selected classes 2005/06/15 Compiler
4905 Provide an HTML rendering widget 2005/06/10 EiffelVision