PR# 5521 Please split "Auto-complete quotes" into three preferences

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: peter_gummer
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Low
Date: 2005/09/07
Class: Feature Request
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 5521
Release: 5.6.1218
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050716 Firefox/1.0.6
Synopsis: Please split "Auto-complete quotes" into three preferences

In Tools | Preferences, under Editor - Eiffel, there is an "Auto-complete quotes" option which I have switched on.

I find it handy that it auto-completes double quotes, because it's very common for me to write quoted strings, either in code or in comments. In either place, the double quote always needs to be closed. So this auto-completion is useful.

It's also nice how it auto-completes the back-quote conventionally surrounding feature names in comments. I never use the back quote for any other purpose, so this is useful too.

I find it irritating, however, that it auto-completes single quotes. I almost never write a manifest character constant, so it's not useful. It's much more common for me to write a single quote in a comment, similar to the first word of this sentence. Auto-completion inserts an incorrect single quote at the end of my comment. I usually notice it and delete it, which is a nuisance; sometimes I don't notice it until weeks later, which is really annoying!

A good solution to this would be to split "Auto-complete quotes" into three preferences:
1. Auto-complete double quotes
2. Auto-complete back quotes
3. Auto-complete single quotes

Then I could leave 1 and 2 on, but turn off 3 which I find useless.
To Reproduce

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From:peter_gummer    Date:2005/11/11    Download