Problem Reports:

# Synopsis Date Category
11477 Don't redirect Precompilation progress to a separate dialog window 2006/10/02 EiffelStudio
11479 EiffelStudio locked up when attempting to Watch a feature 2006/10/02 EiffelStudio
11490 Attempted to target .Net and unable to generate precompile 2006/10/04 Compiler
11491 Switching from classic to .Net and back, stuck with .Net precompile! 2006/10/04 EiffelStudio
11492 Degree 1 seems to take a lot longer in 5.7 2006/10/04 EiffelStudio
11507 More compilation options for the "Choose Your Directory" dialog 2006/10/06 EiffelStudio
11512 Bad text highlighting after a Verbatim string 2006/10/09 EiffelStudio
11540 Creating some objects exhaust memory, but others don't 2006/10/12 EiffelBase
11542 VJRV warning in TYPE 2006/10/12 EiffelStudio
11547 Clicking in Find text field Find window to disappear 2006/10/13 EiffelStudio
11551 Please allow .NET WinForms applications to specify an icon 2006/10/16 EiffelStudio
11565 STREAM.make comment disagrees with implementation 2006/10/19 EiffelBase
11569 As soon as I create an array of an expanded class the program segfaults at a "random" location. 2006/10/19 Runtime
11589 Allow selection and print of multiple classes at one time 2006/10/26 EiffelStudio
11593 {REAL_64_REF}.floor_integer_64 and related routines missing 2006/10/27 EiffelBase
11610 Support for national alphabet in EiffelStudio 2006/11/01 EiffelStudio
11614 Attribute, local or function anchored to entity incorrectly listed in Callers of that entity 2006/11/02 EiffelStudio
11626 'SMTP_PROTOCOL.build_sub_header' adds an extra CR/LF between mail header and body 2006/11/08 EiffelNet
11629 Force recompilation for project options that require recompilation 2006/11/08 EiffelStudio
11653 Out of memory errors not always properly trapped or reported 2006/11/20 EiffelStudio
11669 A diagram can't be cancelled, locks UI 2006/11/24 EiffelStudio
11673 Please add an Apply button to the Project Settings window 2006/11/26 EiffelStudio
11679 Please allow drag-and-drop of groups in the Project Settings window 2006/11/27 EiffelStudio
11682 Missing postconditions from CHARACTER_8.out 2006/11/28 EiffelBase
11719 Mysterious assembly reference difficult to reverse diagnose. 2006/12/07 .NET
11746 "Could not generate precompile" but no explanation as to why 2006/12/20 Compiler
11833 Internal Error on closing an EiffelStudio window 2007/01/14 EiffelStudio
11856 Unparented EiffelStudio windows in the taskbar 2007/01/16 EiffelStudio
11857 ECF sucks 2007/01/17 EiffelStudio
11877 Empty Warning dialog that won't close 2007/01/18 EiffelStudio