Problem Reports:

# Synopsis Date Category
16682 Error in flat short when using `across' 2010/04/02 EiffelStudio
16699 Operating system signal in {FEATURE_B}.process in EiffelStudio. 2010/04/20 EiffelStudio
16709 Assertion violated Tag: has_body in {INHERIT_TABLE}.feature_i_from_feature_as in EiffelStudio. 2010/04/21 EiffelStudio
15254 Operating system signal in {AST_TYPE_A_GENERATOR}.process_class_type_as in EiffelStudio. 2009/01/09 EiffelStudio
15312 Check violation in {WEL_GDIP_GRAPHICS}.draw_image_with_src_rect_dest_rect_unit_attributes 2009/01/23 WEL
15329 Postcondition violation in ES_EDITOR_TOKEN_GRID.virtual_y_position 2009/01/27 EiffelVision
15555 Precondition violation while debugging a test case 2009/03/25 EiffelStudio
15861 Operating system signal in {FEATURE_I}.generate in EiffelStudio. 2009/05/21 EiffelStudio
15872 Test wizard has a square for synthesized tests 2009/05/26 EiffelTest
14057 Check violation when switching EiffelStudio from normal to debug mode 2008/03/03 EiffelStudio
14066 When saving a class, feature tool is retargeted and goes to the beginning of the routine 2008/03/06 EiffelStudio
14694 Provide submenu to easily open a saved layout 2008/08/04 EiffelStudio
14697 Docking incompatibility 2008/08/04 EiffelStudio
14745 EiffelStudio crashes when you exit EiffelStudio while debugging 2008/08/20 EiffelStudio
15148 Improve EiffelStudio resizing policy 2008/12/11 EiffelStudio
12693 .NET Eiffel classes redefines ToString() when it shouldn't. 2007/05/11 Compiler
19224 Exception occurs when printing to console in GUI mode (compiled with VisualStudio 2015) 2016/05/25 Runtime
15600 Refactoring breaks the code when replacing values in strings 2009/04/10 EiffelStudio
16635 Debugger call stack: Operating system signal in {I18N_STRING_FORMATTER}.formatted_string in EiffelSt 2010/02/26 EiffelStudio
16675 Feature pop-up window floats over all programs 2010/03/31 EiffelStudio
18090 Precondition violated Tag: valid_group_for_class in {ES_PROPERTIES_TOOL_PANEL}.set_stone in EiffelSt 2012/01/26 EiffelStudio
18503 Semantics of equality does notmatch the standard 2013/02/04 EiffelStudio
16105 Text modifiers are not working properly 2009/08/03 EiffelStudio
16766 Manifest tuple does not execute expressions in consistent order. 2010/05/18 Compiler
5012 Finalized .NET application places extra files in F_code\Assemblies 2005/06/30 EiffelStudio
5153 External Command $file_name no longer works for .NET classes imported from metadata 2005/07/20 EiffelStudio
5216 Autocompletion window does not open within quotes 2005/07/22 EiffelStudio
5366 Please add a bracket alias to NATIVE_ARRAY 2005/08/01 EiffelStudio
11187 Main Menu is always coloured as if selected 2006/09/05 EiffelStudio
11379 EiffelSoftware.Runtime.dll all lower case in Assemblies directory 2006/09/21 .NET