PR# 14066 When saving a class, feature tool is retargeted and goes to the beginning of the routine

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: manus_eiffel
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2008/03/06
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 14066
Confidential: No
Status: Analyzed
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/
Synopsis: When saving a class, feature tool is retargeted and goes to the beginning of the routine

An annoying side effects of updating the feature in the feature tool while saving the class in which it appears is that if the feature is scrolled in the feature tool, saving the class scroll the feature to the top.
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:manus_eiffel    Date:2008/03/07    Download   
Yes, it is. The resync was never done in previous version.

From:paulbates    Date:2008/03/07    Status: Analyzed    Download   
Is this a regression bug?