Problem Reports:

# Synopsis Date Category
12581 Tooltip not updated when value changes 2007/05/03 EiffelVision
12533 Version 67948 Crashes in Stage 3 2007/04/25 Compiler
12510 Control+Tab inactivated for awhile after Control+Tab with scroll 2007/04/22 EiffelStudio
12492 Please allow Ctrl+F and F3 to be non-class-specific 2007/04/18 EiffelStudio
12335 Cannot execute system via debugger or finalized system if path has spaces 2007/03/19 Debugger
12313 X button on Context tool is counterintuitive 2007/03/15 EiffelStudio
12296 Freezing after adding watch expression `agent do end' crashes estudio 2007/03/13 EiffelStudio
12278 Command line compiler says "Click OK to convert project to version XXX" 2007/03/12 Compiler
12263 Internal Error after closing Metrics window 2007/03/11 EiffelStudio
12171 Peformance issues in 6.0 2007/03/02 EiffelStudio
12155 Precompiles included in Clusters possibilities in Clusters field 2007/02/28 EiffelStudio
12119 Configuration with multiple windows not restored correctly on restart 2007/02/24 EiffelStudio
12108 TopDesk 2007/02/22 EiffelStudio
12106 Make C compilation 'nice' 2007/02/22 EiffelStudio
12033 Please allow selection in grids by keying the start of an item's text 2007/02/08 EiffelStudio
12023 Crash when editing during debug session 2007/02/07 EiffelStudio
11975 Please remember the last target that I was using 2007/02/03 EiffelStudio
11884 Configuration error error 2007/01/19 EiffelStudio
11881 EV_GRID Page Up and Down do not work 2007/01/19 EiffelVision
11663 Failure in SED_OBJECT_GRAPH_TRAVERSABLE:internal_traverse 2006/11/22 EiffelBase
11655 Pick and drop browsing stopped working after hitting a removed class and recompiling 2006/11/21 EiffelStudio
11596 Calling {EV_DRAWING_AREA}.set_focus from window pointer_enter_actions generates expose 2006/10/27 EiffelVision
11538 Error: actual generic parameter does not conform to constraint. In Error 2006/10/12 Compiler
11433 Interrupting estudio results in Uncaught Exception window as well as Internal Error window 2006/09/26 EiffelStudio
11406 Two branches in Implementers format for inherited renamed and redefined feature 2006/09/24 EiffelStudio
11379 EiffelSoftware.Runtime.dll all lower case in Assemblies directory 2006/09/21 .NET
11316 Cannot target Editor or Context window to feature by typing its alias 2006/09/18 EiffelStudio
11310 Actual generic parameter NONE for expanded generic class crashes compiler 2006/09/15 Compiler
11298 Not all preferences match after removing filter in Preferences Flat view 2006/09/14 EiffelStudio
11292 Selecting Interface format after VHPR(1) error crashes estudio 2006/09/14 EiffelStudio