Problem Reports:

# Synopsis Date Category
13127 Violation of postcondition `bridge_ok' of {EB_VISION_WINDOW}.screen_x 2007/06/13 EiffelStudio
17671 Violation of precondition `a_split_position_within_bounds' of {SD_VERTICAL_SPLIT_AREA}.set_split_pos 2011/06/17 EiffelStudio
17677 Violation of precondition `executable' of {EB_EDITOR_PASTE_COMMAND}.execute 2011/06/17 EiffelStudio
17681 Violation of precondition `extendible' of {SD_MULTI_DOCK_AREA}.extend 2011/06/20 EiffelStudio
17682 Violation of precondition `has' of {SD_DOCKING_MANAGER_QUERY}.content_by_title 2011/06/20 EiffelStudio
17673 Violation of precondition `has' of {SD_WIDGET_TOOL_BAR}.item_y 2011/06/17 EiffelStudio
17683 Violation of precondition `is_interface_usable' of {ES_EDITOR_WIDGET}.scroll_editor_to_end 2011/06/20 EiffelStudio
17657 Violation of precondition `is_interface_usable' of {ES_WATCH_TOOL}.siteable_entities 2011/06/15 EiffelStudio
17678 Violation of precondition `is_readable' of {RAW_FILE}.read_stream 2011/06/18 EiffelStudio
13193 Violation of precondition `not_before' in {ARRAYED_LIST}.back 2007/06/17 EiffelStudio
13100 Violation of precondition `not_in_loop' of {SMART_TEXT}.on_text_reset 2007/06/11 EiffelStudio
17702 Violation of precondition `not_void' of {SD_CUSTOMIZABLE_LIST_ITEM}.custom_parent 2011/06/24 EiffelStudio
17675 Violation of precondition `ready' of {SD_AUTO_HIDE_STATE}.zone 2011/06/17 EiffelStudio
17668 Violation of precondition `valid' of {SD_TOOLBAR_DOCKER_MEDIATOR}.set_offset 2011/06/17 EiffelStudio
17696 Violation of precondition `valid_breakpoint' of {BREAKPOINTS_MANAGER}.internal_user_breakpoint_at 2011/06/23 Debugger
19720 Visibility of $ISE_ variables 2021/02/15 EiffelStudio
18787 Vision 2 fancy example crasch 2014/01/02 Other
19737 vision2_demo fails to generate a compilable project for grid_drawable_test 2021/04/03 EiffelVision
11542 VJRV warning in TYPE 2006/10/12 EiffelStudio
17227 VLEC cycle in expanded client relation 2010/12/16 Compiler
17050 Void target in vision class 2010/08/23 EiffelVision
3707 VTCG: LINKED_LIST [expanded B], TUPLE [expanded B] 2004/03/20 Compiler
3426 VTCG-6 not checked 2003/05/18 Compiler
19646 VTCT error, unknown class; class text is open and listed in Groups pane 2020/05/30 EiffelStudio
17547 Wait condition retry-limit reached 2011/05/24 Runtime
5556 Warn user when opening the same project in multiple EiffelStudio sessions 2005/09/19 EiffelStudio
18348 Warnings at C compilation 2012/10/06 C Compilation
13790 Watch expression `default_create' when stopped in {INTEGER_32}.out causes crash 2007/12/18 Debugger
18528 Web browser library causing segmentation faults 2013/03/01 Other
18592 WEL_BITMAP_HELPER resource wasting 2013/05/05 WEL