Problem Reports:

# Synopsis Date Category
18346 Some strange saving error 2012/10/05 EiffelStudio
18347 Operating system signal in {READABLE_STRING_32}.index_of in EiffelStudio. 2012/10/05 EiffelStudio
18348 Warnings at C compilation 2012/10/06 C Compilation
18349 Fixing a code generation issue with exception and onces 2012/10/06 Compiler
18353 Feature context tool is emptied at each compilation 2012/10/08 EiffelStudio
18215 Feature call on void target in {AST_ROUNDTRIP_ITERATOR}.process_ast_node in EiffelStudio. 2012/06/12 EiffelStudio
18216 Invalid {EV_GRID}.visible_row_count 2012/06/13 EiffelStudio
18221 Check violation in DUMP_VALUE 2012/06/15 Debugger
18230 Operating system signal in {SD_TOOL_BAR_GROUP_INFO}.start in EiffelStudio. 2012/06/22 EiffelStudio
18231 Feature call on void target in {SD_FLOATING_TOOL_BAR_ZONE_ASSISTANT}.position_groups_imp in EiffelSt 2012/06/22 EiffelStudio
18261 Feature call on void target in {ES_TOOL}.content in EiffelStudio. 2012/07/19 EiffelStudio
18063 Feature call on void target in {FEATURE_STONE}.update in EiffelStudio. 2011/12/28 EiffelStudio
18074 Cannot complete class names in `add ancestor' dialog when creating a new class 2012/01/11 EiffelStudio
18077 Check violation while debugging 2012/01/13 Debugger
18095 Beep when pressing Ctrl+Tab 2012/01/31 EiffelStudio
18111 Check violation in {XML_STATE_LOAD_CALLBACKS}.on_content. 2012/02/10 EiffelStudio
18186 Completion broken for `equal', or any routine with like argument 2012/05/10 EiffelStudio
17869 Better tooltips 2011/10/05 EiffelStudio
17967 Run failing always run all tests 2011/11/15 EiffelTest
17969 Feature call on void target in {ETEST_EVALUATOR_CONTROLLER}.launch_test in EiffelStudio. 2011/11/15 EiffelStudio
17992 Feature call on void target in {CONF_CLUSTER}.class_by_name in EiffelStudio. 2011/11/21 EiffelStudio
18025 Autocomplete not working with `check ... then' 2011/11/30 EiffelStudio
18052 Navigating callstack with arrow keys is very frustrating 2011/12/14 Debugger
17711 Add a callback when maximizing/minimizing/restoring 2011/06/28 EiffelStudio
17712 Allow modifying the layout of the editor area in maximized mode 2011/06/28 EiffelStudio
17713 Resizing cursor on top of disabled combo 2011/06/28 EiffelStudio
17758 Tests not listed 2011/07/27 EiffelStudio
17760 Feature call on void target in {INHERIT_TABLE}.feature_i_from_feature_as in EiffelStudio. 2011/08/02 EiffelStudio
17818 Features of ANY displayed in completion 2011/08/25 EiffelStudio
17461 Feature call on void target in {GEN_TYPE_A}.internal_same_generic_derivation_as in EiffelStudio. 2011/04/14 EiffelStudio