PR# 19241 [er] Infinite recursion in

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: axarosenberg
Category: EiffelVision
Priority: Low
Date: 2016/06/06
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19241
Release: 16.05
Confidential: No
Status: Closed
Environment: Windows
Synopsis: [er] Infinite recursion in

The Gobo compiler is able to compile flat versions of features. When compiling the generated C code, the C compiler emits a warning about infinite recursions.
Indeed, if you look at the flat view of and in the Feature tool of EiffelStudio, you will see that `show' is called at the end of the feature.
This is the result of rename and select clauses along the way of the inheritance graph, as there is no recursion in the class where this routine is written.

Eric Bezault
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:alexk_es    Date:2016/06/10    Status: Closed    Download   
The issue is fixed in rev#98901 of EiffelStudio.
The involved feature is never executed in a regular Vision application because modal dialogs are shown only relative to a parent window and do not call `show` under Windows.