PR# 15253 Editor is missing from docking layout
Problem Report Summary
Submitter: manus_eiffel
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2009/01/09
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 15253
Confidential: No
Status: Closed
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
Synopsis: Editor is missing from docking layout
I've took those docking files from a customer that had lost its editor. There are two issues: 1 - it should never happen 2 - if it was to happen the command `reset tools layout' should work and it clearly does not work.
To Reproduce
Problem Report Interactions
This bug is fixed in revision#76929. Actually it's another editor bug caused by last fixing. Thanks for your reports.
I'm getting this problem with rev#76833, like ian when switching back from the debugger. I guess switching modes is interfering with the editor. It actually wipes out all the opened editors. You can restore the editor by pnd from another tool to the editor. Using the address bar will no open any class, but the stone is set because the Features tool show the features of that class.
This seems to be occurring when I switch from normal mode to debug mode, the editor area just wipes out completely. I can then sometimes restore with a new class, but if I then repeat the process I can't restore using the previous class (like Studio thinks that it is already open).
I'm not sure if this is related, but I can't load up certain classes in the editor like it can't find them. For instance when compiling Geyacc with Jocelyn's changes I cannot load up PR_PARSER_GENERATOR now even though it is reference in the system and is a directly reference library, I don't know if it's because it is already loaded but invisible but its really annoying whatever the problem is. Other classes work fine.
just reopening
This problem still seems to occur with 76833, or at least my editor area is missing after updating to the latest delivery.
The two problems are fixed in revision#76704. :) To reproduce this bug: 1. Choose any project, del EIFGENs (recomplie from scratch is not enough) 2. Open Eiffel Studio, and recompile from scratch, open one editor with root class 3. Close Eiffel Studio 4. Replace $your_project\EIFGENs\$target_name\editors_1 with attached `eitors_1' 5. Open the project again, the bug will appear The reason is: In {SD_OPEN_CONFIG_MEDIATOR}.open_editors_config, when it call `cleaner.clean_up_all_editors', it will remove ALL editors' parents. Attached `editors_1' make the following `open_inner_container_data' do NOTHING....Then editor is missing. More details: data `editors_1' only contains data for SD_CONTENT whose unique name is `editor_11'. But in step 5, docking library expect restore `editor_1'. So nothing can be restored. Thanks for your report.
Removing the files I've attached solved the problem, so they must have an impact.
Unfortunately I don't think it's the docking files you need but the editor files in the EIFGENs/target directory. They are named editor_nth. Removing these files will prevent ES from attempting to reload the last opened documents and will bring back the editor.