The two problems are fixed in revision#76704. :) To reproduce this bug: 1. Choose any project, del EIFGENs (recomplie from scratch is not enough) 2. Open Eiffel Studio, and recompile from scratch, open one editor with root class 3. Close Eiffel Studio 4. Replace $your_project\EIFGENs\$target_name\editors_1 with attached `eitors_1' 5. Open the project again, the bug will appear The reason is: In {SD_OPEN_CONFIG_MEDIATOR}.open_editors_config, when it call `cleaner.clean_up_all_editors', it will remove ALL editors' parents. Attached `editors_1' make the following `open_inner_container_data' do NOTHING....Then editor is missing. More details: data `editors_1' only contains data for SD_CONTENT whose unique name is `editor_11'. But in step 5, docking library expect restore `editor_1'. So nothing can be restored. Thanks for your report.