Problem Reports:

# Synopsis Date Category
19303 [er] Multiple inherit clauses 2016/11/28 Compiler
19441 [er] Typing issue with empty manifest array 2018/05/31 Compiler
19413 [er] Full class checking and VGCC-2 2017/11/28 Compiler
19412 [er] Full class checking and VUAR-2 2017/11/28 Compiler
19411 [er] Full class checking and VBAC-2 2017/11/28 Compiler
19208 [RJ] Feature of qualified call is not available to client class 2016/03/22 Compiler
16179 error in Degree -1 2009/08/23 Compiler
17011 A Particular Example for Eiffel Studio does not Compile 2010/08/02 Compiler
17004 Compiler warning when using obsolete "is" in a feature declaration is not verbose enough 2010/07/29 Compiler
16550 Syntax error when last feature of a class is an attribute and a "note" section follows 2010/01/10 Compiler
16330 Using "assign" with external routines crashes run-time 2009/10/02 Compiler
16657 independent_store fails 2010/03/14 Compiler
18965 [er] no cycle detection in qualified anchored types 2014/09/25 Compiler
18969 [RJ] Finalized preconditions on 'item' and 'put' in SPECIAL. 2014/10/03 Compiler
19070 [RJ] Request for SPECIAL.put to check the array bounds even if finalized. 2015/05/11 Compiler
19506 [er] No incrementality in Degree 4 2018/12/03 Compiler
15040 Attachment with non-conforming inheritance 2008/11/23 Compiler
15213 Runtime crash after invariant check 2008/12/29 Compiler
17397 Repeated Inheritance and Select 2011/03/04 Compiler
17227 VLEC cycle in expanded client relation 2010/12/16 Compiler
18118 Assignment attempt ignores SCOOP rules 2012/02/20 Compiler
14931 making a base class visible fails without a precompile 2008/10/29 Compiler
15042 hex and octal characters in strings are not supported (decimal work) 2008/11/24 Compiler
16339 freeze needed after a run that ended with an exception, otherwise wrong code is executed 2009/10/07 Compiler
17132 INTEGER_32.is_greater crashes, ">" works 2010/10/01 Compiler
15025 System crashes with a segmentation violation while running {ANY}.generating_type after melting 2008/11/20 Compiler
15039 Invoking `equal' as an agent causes a segmentation violation 2008/11/23 Compiler
18990 Loop variant fails when evaluating INTEGER_64 (assumes INTEGER_32) 2014/11/19 Compiler
17523 Object once creates visible field (INTERNAL reflection) 2011/05/13 Compiler
18024 Degree 3 crash 2011/11/30 Compiler