Problem Reports:

# Synopsis Date Category
19481 Incorrect report of code analysis rule CA049 violation 2018/10/22 EiffelStudio
19480 Incorrect report of code analysis rule CA087 violation 2018/10/22 EiffelStudio
11746 "Could not generate precompile" but no explanation as to why 2006/12/20 Compiler
18312 "Features tool" - toggle buttons give bizarre results when combined 2012/09/10 EiffelStudio
16245 "Navigate to next error" button stops navigating 2009/09/09 EiffelStudio
4324 "New .NET Application Wizard" cannot be operated from the keyboard 2005/02/17 EiffelStudio
4963 "New .NET Application Wizard" does not have focus 2005/06/22 EiffelStudio
13375 "Not an assembly" error reported three times 2007/08/21 .NET
14362 "note: if this code is reached, the program will abort" for all evisib.c entries, melted 2008/05/13 Runtime
10844 "Successfully compiled" yet not completely there. 2006/07/31 EiffelStudio
16356 .NET metadata constantly corrupt 2009/10/12 .NET
19367 [EIS] Opening outgoing PDF 2017/06/09 EiffelStudio
19368 [EIS] Outgoing Microsoft Word bookmark not working 2017/06/09 EiffelStudio
19525 [er] EiffelStudio editor very slow to load large class text files 2019/02/19 EiffelStudio
19526 [er] EiffelStudio out of sync with large class text files 2019/02/19 EiffelStudio
19272 [er] EiffelStudio using a lot of GDI objects 2016/09/22 EiffelStudio
19411 [er] Full class checking and VBAC-2 2017/11/28 Compiler
19413 [er] Full class checking and VGCC-2 2017/11/28 Compiler
19412 [er] Full class checking and VUAR-2 2017/11/28 Compiler
19696 [er] Importing preferences 2020/12/15 EiffelStudio
19303 [er] Multiple inherit clauses 2016/11/28 Compiler
18965 [er] no cycle detection in qualified anchored types 2014/09/25 Compiler
19506 [er] No incrementality in Degree 4 2018/12/03 Compiler
19441 [er] Typing issue with empty manifest array 2018/05/31 Compiler
19409 [er] Watch window does not correctly show an iterated item (using `across’) 2017/11/27 EiffelStudio
19528 [er] Word Wrapping in EiffelStudio editor 2019/02/19 EiffelStudio
19327 [er] Wrong class locations in goto.html 2017/02/09 Documentation
19331 [er] Wrong clickable version of features in documentation generated file class_list.html 2017/02/21 Documentation
19084 [MY]Operating system signal in {FEATURE_I}.api_feature in EiffelStudio. 2015/07/06 EiffelStudio
19208 [RJ] Feature of qualified call is not available to client class 2016/03/22 Compiler