I think the "maximized" in your bug report is mean "minimized". At revision#67029: We save/restore editor minimized state when only one editor zone (maybe a tabbed zone or a single content editor zone) existing, When more than one editor zone existing, we don't save them minimized states, because Smart Docking library don't know how to restore editors minimized state if end user add/close editor tabs in normal/debug layout. For example: 1.End user have ROOT_CLASS editor tab and NEW_CLASS tab opened in the normal layout, the two editor tabs are separately contained in a horizontal split area, they are both minimized. Now there are two zones. 2.End user start debugging, switch to debug layout. In debug layout, end user closed ROOT_CLASS editor tab and NEW_CLASS editor tab. Then end user open a NEW_CLASS_1 editor tab. Now there is one zone. 3.End user stop debugging, switch to normal layout. At this time, Smart Docking library only know minimized data of ROOT_CLASS editor tab and NEW_CLASS editor tab which was stored at the beginning of step 2. Smart Docking library have no idea of the minimized state of NEW_CLASS_1 editor tab which are newly opened in previous debugging layout. I think this behavior can satisfy your expectation. ;)