Hi, i inserted the following in a Terminal window: alberto@Rudolph ~ % export ISE_EIFFEL=/Users/alberto/Eiffel_21.11 alberto@Rudolph ~ % export ISE_PLATFORM=macosx-x86-64 alberto@Rudolph ~ % export PATH=$PATH:$ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin alberto@Rudolph ~ % ec -gui --- and the system printed: dbus[33484]: Dynamic session lookup supported but failed: launchd did not provide a socket path, verify that org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist is loaded! I had popup error messages from MacOs: "ec" can not be opened because the developer can not be verified "ecdbgd" can not be opened because the developer can not be verified I forced the permission for them. I obtained the Studio main window and a dialog inviting to register the product. I received a mail with new "Trial" EiffelStudio license CUC6EJGSAVCSKVKD. Then I tried to follow the EiffelStudio Tutorials so I copied the examples\studio\tour in Users\alberto\Eiffel 2022 and to open the simple.ecf file. I obtained the compilation message in the output window, but the error popup panel if I try to run it. I introduced this new report two days ago and I have seen the preview and confirmed the report, but it seems to be disappeared, so I inserted it again. :( Question: How can I make the export instructions in the Terminal window, without the need to reintroduce them every time? Question: Could you suggest a way to launch the EiffelStudio gui window directly from the MacOs Finder, as a 'normal' application?