This is definitely not fixed in rev 71364 - at least, it does *not* work the same as Eiffel 6.0, which was very intuitive. In Eiffel 6.0, after I switch to normal mode and restore the saved layout "aaa", the layout of the tools is exactly the same as the normal mode layout was when I saved "aaa" (even though I was in debug mode at the time). In Eiffel 6.1, after restoring "aaa" while in normal mode, the layout is completely different than what it was before I switched to debug mode. In particular, the Clusters and Favorites windows are not shown. Please make this work the way it did in 6.0. My mental model of a saved layout is something with two independent components. One component is the layout of tools in Normal mode and the other is the layout of tools in Debug mode. The two are completely independent. Restoring a layout and then switching to either Normal or Debug mode should show me the exact same tools and toolbars layout that were in effect for that mode at the time of the save. Eiffel 6.0 worked this way; Eiffel 6.1 does not and it is extremely confusing.