PR# 4535 Suggestion - Make "Tools" a top-level menu

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: peter_gummer
Category: EiffelBuild
Priority: Medium
Date: 2005/04/06
Class: Feature Request
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 4535
Release: 5.6.0123
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050317 Firefox/1.0.2
Synopsis: Suggestion - Make "Tools" a top-level menu

Currently, in order to access the Builder window, Display window, Component viewer or History window from the keyboard, I have to type complicated sequences such as Alt+V,Enter,Down,Enter (which opens the Display window via View | Tools | Display window).

This would be simplified if the Tools menu were sitting on the main menu bar.

There's plenty of room on the main menu. It's also normal for applications to have a Tools menu there.

I imagine that you've decided to put it under the View menu in order to imitate EiffelStudio, but although this seems a sensible choice for EiffelStudio it doesn't seem so for EiffelBuild. Note that EiffelStudio itself has another "Tools" menu on the main menu bar!
To Reproduce

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From:peter_gummer    Date:2005/11/11    Download