PR# 3710 Inserting an 'expanded B' to a 'TUPLE [expanded B]'
Problem Report Summary
Submitter: gobobe
Category: EiffelBase
Priority: Medium
Date: 2004/03/20
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 3710
Release: 5.5.0409
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02
Synopsis: Inserting an 'expanded B' to a 'TUPLE [expanded B]'
ISE Eiffel 5.5.0409 Following the bug report [Run-time/3709], let's consider again this class: --------------------- class B inherit ANY redefine default_create end create default_create, make_from_expanded convert make_from_expanded ({expanded B}), to_expanded: {expanded B} feature default_create is -- do i := 45 end make_from_expanded (b: expanded B) is do i := b.i end to_expanded: expanded B is do Result.set_i (i) end i: INTEGER set_i (int: INTEGER) is do i := int end end --------------------- We saw in the bug report [Run-time/3709] that the item of 'TUPLE [expanded B]' was not initialized as expected when creating the Tuple (it was erroneously set to Void, which is not a valid value for an expanded entity). In order to work around this problem I tried to give this item a valid value: --------------------- class A create make feature make is local tb: TUPLE [expanded B] b: expanded B do create tb tb.put (b, 1) end end --------------------- This code compiles fine, but I got the following exception trace when executing it: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class / Object Routine Nature of exception Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUPLE put @2 valid_type_for_index: <0000000000B80060> Precondition violated. Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A make @2 <0000000000B80048> Routine failure. Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A root's creation <0000000000B80048> Routine failure. Exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indeed, in the call to `put' the expanded entity `b' is converted to its reference form, and 'reference B' does not conform to 'expanded B', it only converts to it. It seems to me that the problem is in the implementation of `valid_type_for_index' in class TUPLE. Apparently we go into the 'reference_code' branch, even though the item of the Tuple is expanded. And then only conformance is considered, not convertability.
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