PR# 2978 No warning is given about missing .def file when compiling system as dynamic library

Problem Report Summary
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2001/10/24
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 2978
Release: 5.0.34
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) Windows NT 4.0, SP 6 Visual Studio C++ 6.0
Synopsis: No warning is given about missing .def file when compiling system as dynamic library

I was trying to build a system (called vrt) as a dynamic library 
by specifying in the default section of the Ace file:

	shared_library_definition ("vrt.def")

I started building and the Eiffel compilation proceeded fine. The
C compilation also proceeded fine until it wanted to make edynlib.obj.
The console window of "finish_freezing.exe" then suddely complained:

NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'E1\edynlib.c'

The reason for this was that the file 'E1\edynlib.c' hadn't been 
created because the file 'vrt.def' didn't exist! However it took
some time before I realized that it was the missing .def file that
was the culprit, and it was very frustrating that EiffelStudio 
didn't simply tell me at degree 6 of freezing that it couldn't 
find the file 'vrt.def'!
To Reproduce
1. Take any Eiffel system that compiles well as an executable.

2. Add the line "shared_library_definition (some_system.def)" 
to the system's Ace file, but don't create the file some_system.def.

3. Start freezing the system.
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