PR# 19912 AutoTest tool: Classes under test are displayed in the wrong cluster
Problem Report Summary
Submitter: thomas_goering
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Low
Date: 2024/04/02
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19912
Release: 23.09
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: win64
Synopsis: AutoTest tool: Classes under test are displayed in the wrong cluster
Classes under test (filter "^covers") are displayed in the cluster of the test classes instead of in the cluster in which the classes under test are. See steps to reproduce. Looks like a bug in displaying the classes under test in the tree. I tried to figure out where this is done in the EiffelStudio sources but I did not find where the tree hierarchy of the filter results is computed. I'm interested where the issue is caused. My guess is class ES_TEST_TAG_TREE_GRID_LAYOUT. Please let me know... ;-)
To Reproduce
Follow AutoTest tutorial ( It is sufficient to just create the manual test. I attached my test project in a ZIP file (you might need to adjust the path to cluster "tests"). In the AutoTest Tool clear the filter (see screenshot covers_1.png). You see that the class under test (BANK_ACCOUNT) under node "covers" is displayed like it is in cluster "tests" instead of cluster "accounts". This is different than what can be seen in the screenshots on page (e.g. screenshot When I just use filter "Classes under test" ("^covers") it is also displayed under cluster "tests". In screenshot covers_2.png I removed the node "tests" to illustrate how it should be (and once was?).
Problem Report Interactions
I made a fix for this and created this pull request:
Attachments for problem report #19912