PR# 19910 LICENSE file missing in win64 installation

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: thomas_goering
Category: Installation Windows
Priority: Low
Date: 2024/04/02
Class: Installation
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19910
Release: 23.09
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: win64
Synopsis: LICENSE file missing in win64 installation

The LICENSE file is missing in the win64 installation of EiffelStudio 23.09

I used the MSI installer:

This report is a duplicate of #19703:
To Reproduce
Goto menu "Help" -> "About EiffelStudio..." and click on "Read License Text".

In the dialog with title "License for EiffelStudio" instead of the license this is displayed:

Missing LICENSE file!
location: C:\Program Files\Eiffel Software\EiffelStudio 23.09 Standard\LICENSE

The file LICENSE does not exist at that location.

On Ubuntu Linux this is not an issue. There the license file exists and it is displayed in the dialog...
Problem Report Interactions