PR# 19898 Possibly unnecessary precondition in {ARRAYED_SET}.move_item

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: rosivaldo
Category: EiffelBase
Priority: Low
Date: 2023/08/09
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19898
Release: 22.12 ( - win64)
Confidential: No
Status: Closed
Environment: win64
Synopsis: Possibly unnecessary precondition in {ARRAYED_SET}.move_item

{ARRAYED_SET}.move_item feature keeps a possibly unnecessary, and annoying, precondition: item_exists: v /= Void. Nothing prevents, say, an ARRAYED_SET [detachable...] of inserting Void items; besides, {ARRAYED_SET}.move_item implementation works perfectly (as it should, I think) with a Void argument, regardless of {ARRAYED_SET}.object_comparison status, i.e. it is safe to compare Void with both = and ~ operators.
To Reproduce
- Extract all files from st.7z (attached).
- Open and compile st_bugs.ecf project, targeted to reproduce_arrayed_set_move_item_bug_item_exists.
- Target EiffelStudio editor to {APPLICATION}.reproduce_arrayed_set_move_item_bug_item_exists.
- Please take a look at lines 88 and 94: one can see that the very same implementation of {ARRAYED_SET}.move_item can accept Void arguments with no problem.
- Run the system (press F5).
- The exception below will raise, despite the fact that a Void argument would cause no harm (line 88, which compares Void by reference, has run with no problem).
- Please continue to the steps after the reproduced exception.

******************************** Thread exception *****************************
In thread           Root thread            0x0 (thread id)
Class / Object      Routine                Nature of exception           Effect
ARRAYED_SET         move_item @1           item_exists:                 
<00000000041F8938>  (From LINEAR_SUBSET)   Precondition violated.        Fail
APPLICATION         reproduce_arrayed_set_move_item_bug_item_exists @16
<00000000041F85A8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
APPLICATION         root's creation                                     
<00000000041F85A8>                         Routine failure.              Exit

- (Continue).
- Press F5 to resume system execution.
- Go to system console and press Return to finish system execution.
- Target EiffelStudio editor to {APPLICATION}.reproduce_arrayed_set_move_item_bug_item_exists.
- Comment out line 100 (which reads s2.move_item (Void) -- Precondition violated: item_exists: v /= Void).
- Recompile the system.
- Run the system again (press F5).
- The exception below will raise, despite the fact that a Void argument would cause no harm (line 94, which compares Void by value, has run with no problem).

******************************** Thread exception *****************************
In thread           Root thread            0x0 (thread id)
Class / Object      Routine                Nature of exception           Effect
ARRAYED_SET         move_item @1           item_exists:                 
<00000000042C6938>  (From LINEAR_SUBSET)   Precondition violated.        Fail
APPLICATION         reproduce_arrayed_set_move_item_bug_item_exists @21
<00000000042C65A8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
APPLICATION         root's creation                                     
<00000000042C65A8>                         Routine failure.              Exit
Problem Report Interactions
From:jfiat_es    Date:2023/09/26    Status: Closed    Download   
Fixed by revision 107314

From:rosivaldo    Date:2023/08/09    Download   
Attachments for problem report #19898

Attachment: st.7z     Size:52494