PR# 19857 EiffelStudio crash -- clicked on a Class icon in the Group pane

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: HowardThomsonSurrey
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2022/04/16
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19857
Release: 21.11
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: linux
Synopsis: EiffelStudio crash -- clicked on a Class icon in the Group pane

EiffelStudio was started from a shell window on Linux.

I clicked on one of the Class icons in the Groups window, and eStudio abruptly crashed.
The following was generated in the shell window: [no core file that I can see]

ec: PANIC: Unexpected harmful signal (Segmentation fault) ...

ec: system execution failed.
Following is the set of recorded exceptions.
NB: The raised panic may have induced completely inconsistent information:

******************************** Thread exception *****************************
In thread           Root thread            0x0 (thread id)
Class / Object      Routine                Nature of exception           Effect
AST_SERVER          retrieve_all                                        
<00005565AB850318>  (From ISE_SERVER)      I/O error.                    Fail
AST_SERVER          retrieve_all                                        
<00005565AB850318>  (From ISE_SERVER)      Routine failure.              Fail
AST_SERVER          item @9                                             
<00005565AB850318>  (From COMPILER_SERVER) Routine failure.              Fail
AST_SERVER          item @4                Unexpected harmful signal (Segmentation fault):
<00005565AB850318>  (From COMPILER_SERVER) Eiffel run-time panic.        Panic

ec: dumping core to generate debugging information...

ec: PANIC CASCADE: Unexpected harmful signal (Segmentation fault) -- Giving up...
To Reproduce
Not known at the moment ...
Problem Report Interactions
From:HowardThomsonSurrey    Date:2022/04/27    Status: Open    Download   
Would a coredump help at all ?
That is if I can work out how to persuade my system to allow one to be generated ...

From:jvelilla    Date:2022/04/25    Status: Open    Download   
Hi Howard,

I´m not able to reproduce it, if you have a sequence of steps to reproduce it would help.


From:HowardThomsonSurrey    Date:2022/04/16    Status: Open    Download   
I have been using git quite a lot, without always closing EiffelStudio down while files are changing without it's knowledge.
That has included both changes and renaming of the .ecf file which may have caused EiffelStudio some confusion ...