Problem Report Summary
Submitter: hcater
Category: WEL
Priority: Low
Date: 2020/10/27
Class: Feature Request
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19679
Release: 20.05
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: win
Just a request to add the following features: set_alignment (a_value : INTEGER) -- StringAlignmentNear = 0 -- StringAlignmentCenter = 1 -- StringAlignmentFar = 2 local l_result: INTEGER do l_result := c_gdip_set_string_format_align (gdi_plus_handle, item, a_value) check ok: l_result = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end end set_line_alignment (a_value : INTEGER) -- StringAlignmentNear = 0 -- StringAlignmentCenter = 1 -- StringAlignmentFar = 2 local l_result: INTEGER do l_result := c_gdip_set_string_format_line_align (gdi_plus_handle, item, a_value) check ok: l_result = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end end feature {NONE} -- C externals c_gdip_set_string_format_align (a_gdiplus_handle, a_format: POINTER; a_value: INTEGER): INTEGER require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipSetStringFormatAlign= NULL; EIF_INTEGER Result = 1; if (!GdipSetStringFormatAlign) { GdipSetStringFormatAlign = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipSetStringFormatAlign"); } if (GdipSetStringFormatAlign) { Result = (EIF_INTEGER) (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpStringFormat *, INT)) GdipSetStringFormatAlign) ((GpStringFormat *) $a_format, (INT) $a_value); } return Result; } ]" end c_gdip_set_string_format_line_align (a_gdiplus_handle, a_format: POINTER; a_value: INTEGER): INTEGER require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign= NULL; EIF_INTEGER Result = 1; if (!GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign) { GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign"); } if (GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign) { Result = (EIF_INTEGER) (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpStringFormat *, INT)) GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign) ((GpStringFormat *) $a_format, (INT) $a_value); } return Result; } ]" end
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