PR# 19567 EiffelBuild invalid code generated for project configuration "attributes local"

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: rwschlatter
Category: EiffelBuild
Priority: Medium
Date: 2019/08/14
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 19567
Release: 19.05 GPL
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: win 8.1 pro
Synopsis: EiffelBuild invalid code generated for project configuration "attributes local"

I was comparing the results of the various variations of code generation by EiffelBuild as selectable in the Project Configuration.

It turns out that when the choice is "attributes local":
(a) the routine "initialize" does not seem to call any explicit creation procedure.
(b) the routine "create_interface_objects" is now missing the attribut definitions needed to create them

While I have no complete understanding of the object creation, I believe it happens in two phases as driven by Vision2. I have been left with the impression that the "initialize" routine may not be the correct place for fully creating EV_ objects. Is this true?

Files contain pictures of generated source code as shown by my diff tool. Shown also error message from EiffelStudio.
Windows Notepad text file contains full listing of errors from Eiffelstudio.
Eiffelbuild project files included. 
To Reproduce
set your Project Configuration in EiffelBuild and generate Eiffel code, vary with Attributes Local and other Attributes settings.
Problem Report Interactions
From:rwschlatter    Date:2019/08/14    Download   
Attachments for problem report #19567

Attachment: build_project.bpr     Size:939
Attachment: Compare Attributes non-local to local 1 of 2.png     Size:186669
Attachment: Compare Attributes non-local to local 2 of 2.png     Size:201699
Attachment: Eiffel Compilation Errors.png     Size:123896
Attachment: Full Error List.txt     Size:4385
Attachment: Project Configuration.png     Size:23146
Attachment: system_interface.xml     Size:12539
Attachment: Variations of code generated.png     Size:81995