PR# 19502 ECF capability inconsistency in EiffelStudio's own ECF files not reported by EiffelStudio

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: gobobe
Category: Compiler
Priority: Low
Date: 2018/12/01
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19502
Confidential: No
Status: Closed
Environment: win
Synopsis: ECF capability inconsistency in EiffelStudio's own ECF files not reported by EiffelStudio

I tried to compile ecb.exe with the Gobo compiler but I got this ECF error:

[EADP] ECF C:\DriveE\ise\git\Src\tools\compliance_checker\ace\ecchecker.ecf (26,130): value 'scoop' for capability 'concurrency' not supported by library 'assembly_resolver'.
        Used in ECF C:\DriveE\ise\git\Src\dotnet\consumer\consumer.ecf (37,111)
        Used in ECF C:\DriveE\ise\git\Src\Eiffel\Ace\ec.ecf (27,96)

How come this capability inconsistency between ecchecker.ecf and assembly_resolver.ecf is not reported by EiffelStudio?

Eric Bezault
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:alexk_es    Date:2018/12/26    Status: Closed    Download   
The issue is fixed in rev#102594 of EiffelStudio 19.05 intermediate release.