PR# 19429 {INET4_ADDRESS}.is_loopback_address is reporting incorrect value

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: finnianr
Category: EiffelNet
Priority: Low
Date: 2018/02/08
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19429
Release: 16.05
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: linux
Synopsis: {INET4_ADDRESS}.is_loopback_address is reporting incorrect value

I have created a network socket of type NETWORK_STREAM_SOCKET with host as localhost. I would expect then the following query to return true but it doesn't:

To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:finnianr    Date:2018/02/08    Status: Open    Download   
For now I must make do with query: socket.address.host_address.raw_address.for_all (agent is_zero)