PR# 19324 ARRAYED_CIRCULAR implementation of `do_all' is an infinite loop
Problem Report Summary
Submitter: finnianr
Category: EiffelBase
Priority: Medium
Date: 2017/02/05
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19324
Confidential: No
Status: Analyzed
Environment: linux
Synopsis: ARRAYED_CIRCULAR implementation of `do_all' is an infinite loop
Calling routine {ARRAYED_CIRCULAR}.do_all never returns
To Reproduce
circular_list_iteration local list: ARRAYED_CIRCULAR [INTEGER] do create list.make (3) across 1 |..| 3 as n loop list.extend (n.item) end list.do_all (agent (n: INTEGER) do io.put_integer (n) io.put_new_line end ) end
Problem Report Interactions
This is by design and has nothing to do with do_all. The same occurs with: from list.start until list.after loop io.put_integer (list.item) io.put_new_line list.forth end However using `across` instead which is more efficient does not suffer from this. I personally agree with you that traditional iteration should not infinitely iterate through the circular list. We will have a look at why this was done in the first place.