PR# 19298 [er] Non-conforming inheritance and incremental compilation

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: axarosenberg
Category: Compiler
Priority: Low
Date: 2016/11/19
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19298
Release: 16.05
Confidential: No
Status: Suspended
Responsible: alexk_es
Environment: win
Synopsis: [er] Non-conforming inheritance and incremental compilation

I noticed that the compiler is often crashing when making modifications to some repeatedly non-conforming inheritance and then compiling incrementally.
Here is one of the exception trace that I got after modifying the code which I used to report bug#19297.

******************************** Thread exception *****************************
In thread           Root thread            0x0 (thread id)
Class / Object      Routine                Nature of exception           Effect
TMP_AST_SERVER      body_force @2                                       
<000000000A22EEE8>                         Feature call on void target.  Fail
TMP_AST_SERVER      body_force @2                                       
<000000000A22EEE8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    process_replicated_feature @25
<00000000031398D8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
ORIGIN_TABLE        compute_feature_table @21
<0000000003123F88>                         Routine failure.              Fail
INHERIT_TABLE       pass2 @39                                           
<000000000311F618>                         Routine failure.              Rescue
DEGREE_4            process_class @10                                   
<00000000030C3B68>                         Routine failure.              Rescue
DEGREE_4            execute @63                                         
<00000000030C3B68>                         Routine failure.              Fail
SYSTEM_I            process_degree_4 @1                                 
<000000001AB6C648>                         Routine failure.              Fail
SYSTEM_I            do_recompilation @56                                
<000000001AB6C648>                         Routine failure.              Fail
SYSTEM_I            recompile @7                                        
<000000001AB6C648>                         Routine failure.              Rescue
WORKBENCH_I         recompile @23                                       
<00000000072C0F98>                         Routine failure.              Rescue
E_PROJECT           melt @7                                             
<00000000071E4438>                         Routine failure.              Rescue
E_PROJECT           quick_melt @3                                       
<00000000071E4438>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    perform_compilation @1 
<0000000006FD7888>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    compile @5             
<0000000006FD7888>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    compile_and_run @1     
<0000000006FD7888>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    confirm_execution_halt @2
<0000000006FD7888>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    confirm_and_compile @1 
<0000000006FD7888>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    compile_no_save @4     
<0000000006FD7888>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    execute_with_c_compilation_flag @16
<0000000006FD7888>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    go_on_compile @1       
<0000000006FD7888>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    execute @12            
<0000000006FD7888>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    call @21               
<000000001ABD60E8>  (From ACTION_SEQUENCE) Routine failure.              Fail
                    call @3                
<000000001ABD60E8>  (From EV_LITE_ACTION_SEQUENCE)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
                    on_pointer_release @7  
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
SD_TOOL_BAR         on_pointer_release @10                              
<000000001ABD5908>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    call @21               
<000000001AD2C788>  (From ACTION_SEQUENCE) Routine failure.              Fail
                    call @3                
<000000001AD2C788>  (From EV_LITE_ACTION_SEQUENCE)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
SD_DRAWING_AREA_IMP call_pointer_actions @2
<0000000006FD9888>  (From EV_WIDGET_IMP)   Routine failure.              Fail
SD_DRAWING_AREA_IMP on_button_up @5                                     
<0000000006FD9888>  (From EV_WIDGET_IMP)   Routine failure.              Fail
SD_DRAWING_AREA_IMP on_left_button_up @2                                
<0000000006FD9888>  (From EV_WIDGET_IMP)   Routine failure.              Fail
SD_DRAWING_AREA_IMP window_process_message @11
<0000000006FD9888>  (From WEL_WINDOW)      Routine failure.              Fail
SD_DRAWING_AREA_IMP process_message @22                                 
<0000000006FD9888>  (From WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
WEL_DISPATCHER      window_procedure @7                                 
<00000000071CBE88>  (From WEL_ABSTRACT_DISPATCHER)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
WEL_MSG             dispatch @1                                         
<00000000071CBE68>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  process_message @10                                 
<0000000006EEF0B8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  process_underlying_toolkit_event_queue @6
<0000000006EEF0B8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  process_event_queue @2                              
<0000000006EEF0B8>  (From EV_APPLICATION_I)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
                    process_application_event_queue @1
<0000000006EEF4A8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    launch @3              
<0000000006EEF4A8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION      internal_launch_application @2
<0000000006EEF418>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION      launch @4                                           
<0000000006EEF418>                         Routine failure.              Fail
ES_GRAPHIC          make @4                                             
<0000000006EEF3F8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EB_KERNEL           make @4                                             
<0000000006EEC088>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EB_KERNEL           root's creation                                     
<0000000006EEC088>                         Routine failure.              Exit
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:manus_eiffel    Date:2016/11/27    Status: Suspended    Download   
Our current implementation of non-conforming inheritance is not complete at the moment. There is a hidden switch that follows the standard better but it was a breaking changes for existing library. We should have disabled the support as well instead of relying on this hidden option.

For the time being, we would recommend not using it.