PR# 19253 EV_FILE_DIALOG.file_name returns wrong value

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: jimmy.johnson
Category: EiffelVision
Priority: Low
Date: 2016/06/23
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 19253
Release: GPL Edition - macosx-x86-64
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Responsible: manus_eiffel
Environment: OS X
Synopsis: EV_FILE_DIALOG.file_name returns wrong value

Features `file_name' and `file_title' form EV_FILE_DIALOG do not return an empty string when the cancel button is pressed contrary to the comments.  These features return a string that ends in "commands" (i.e. the `file_title' is "commands").

The comment says "empty"; might want to change it to "is_empty".

I marked this problem as non-critical severity and low priority, because it is easy to work around, but it seems like it should be easy to fix.

Also, I'm not sure why `file_title', `file_path', and `selected_filter_index' are in "Status report" instead of "Access".
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:jimmy.johnson    Date:2016/06/23    Status: Open    Download   
Additionally, if you select an item then cancel, the result is that item.  In other words, the cancel button does not work.