PR# 18947 [RJ] - post condition commutative
Problem Report Summary
Submitter: axarosenberg
Category: EiffelBase
Priority: Medium
Date: 2014/08/28
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 18947
Confidential: No
Status: Analyzed
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Synopsis: [RJ] - post condition commutative
Recently I turned on post-conditions in Eiffel Base and got a failure in Although the argument is supposed to be 'like Current' I passed an INTEGER. The post condition is inherited from NUMERIC: commutative: Result ~ (other + Current) I believe this fails because 'Result' is an INTEGER_32_REF but "other + Current" is an INTEGER. I suppose this is a CAT-call but it was pretty easy to do and it would be a shame to have to create a REF just to add 1. As usual, I have some ideas. Solution 1. Introduce 'item' in NUMERIC (defaults to Current). Redefine it in each of the *_REF classes (dang, it's built_in). Change the post-condition to: commutative: Result.item ~ (other + Current).item Solution 2. Introduce 'to_ref' in NUMERIC (defaults to Current). Redefine it in each of the *_REF classes. Change the post-condition to: commutative: Result.to_ref ~ (other + Current).to_ref Solution 3. Introduce a safe comparison feature in NUMERIC instead of tilde. It would essentially do what I'm trying to do in solutions 1 and 2. Solution 4. Introduce a feature in ANY that does what tilde does but will first attempt to 'convert'. Randy
To Reproduce
Approximate code (not actually tested): local l_int_ref: INTEGER_32_REF do create l_int_ref end
Problem Report Interactions
Below is the class which caused the initial problem (since fixed). I suppose we could use CELL[INTEGER] instead of INTEGER_REF. I'm not sure that this is extremely important. I merely brought it up because it seems like a wart on the language. Randy class ELOG_THREAD_SAFE_AUTO_INCREMENTER feature -- Basic operations next_integer: INTEGER --| do auto_incrementer_mutex.lock Result := next_int next_int.set_item (next_int.item + 1) -- next_int.set_item (next_int + 1) -- Old code. auto_incrementer_mutex.unlock end feature {NONE} -- Implementation auto_incrementer_mutex: ELOG_MUTEX -- Protects next_int indexing once_status: global once create Result.make end next_int: INTEGER_REF --| indexing once_status: global once create Result end end
Another solution for the time being would be to have `plus (other: INTEGER): INTEGER' in INTEGER_32_REF. Turns out that today, the _REF classes are useless because one can pass an INTEGER to ANY and keep the type INTEGER. It is quite unlike the old days when passing an INTEGER to ANY would magically create an INTEGER_REF. What is the scenario where you are still using INTEGER_32_REF?