PR# 18555 Windows pixmap resizing results in edge pixelation

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: finnianr
Category: EiffelVision
Priority: Medium
Date: 2013/03/21
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 18555
Confidential: No
Status: Analyzed
Responsible: manus_eiffel
Environment: Windows 7, SDK 7.1
Synopsis: Windows pixmap resizing results in edge pixelation

I have applied the recommended patch and seen a big improvement from before. (See bug 18554) however I am still not happy with the Windows resizing as the edges of the moon in my example are quite ragged compared to GTK. For that reason I am filing this as a separate bug.

Compare the uploaded crops of screen shots focusing on the moon. Although not perfect the GTK version is acceptably round. In the Windows version the edges are noticeably pixelated.
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:finnianr    Date:2013/03/22    Download   
After using EV_PIXEL_BUFFER from the repositories I was able to get a clean resize. Now as good as GTK :-)

It would be a good idea to use this implementation in {EV_PIXMAP_IMP}.stretch

From:finnianr    Date:2013/03/22    Download   
I downloaded the most recent 7.2 release from

However EV_PIXEL_BUFFER does not have a stretch routine in this build.

Where can I get the lastest stable build that has {EV_PIXEL_BUFFER}.stretch?

From:finnianr    Date:2013/03/22    Download   
I have just answered my own question after browsing the repository. Will give it a go.

From:finnianr    Date:2013/03/22    Download   
I am very happy to try EV_PIXEL_BUFFER for resizing but I don't see any command to do it. What do I need to do? Or is this something that is new in 7.2?

From:misterieking    Date:2013/03/21    Download   
Do you still get the poor resizing behavior if you use an EV_PIXEL_BUFFER?

From:finnianr    Date:2013/03/21    Download   
The show the difference more clearly I have combined both moon images into one labeled image scaled X 3.

Attachment: GTK-MSwin-side-by-side.png     Size:688566
From:finnianr    Date:2013/03/21    Download   
Attachments for problem report #18555

Attachment: GTK-resized-moon.png     Size:58830
Attachment: MSWIN-resized-moon.png     Size:73918