PR# 18206 Threads not working as expected when finalize.

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: titoui
Category: EiffelThreads
Priority: Medium
Date: 2012/06/04
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 18206
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: EiffelStudio 64 bits on Linux Ubuntu 12.04. EiffelStudio 32 bits (with Mingw compiler) on Windows 7.
Synopsis: Threads not working as expected when finalize.

I create 2 threads (other than the main thread) with EiffelThreads. One of the thread is an infinite loop doing something (say printing the word "Yo" on the terminal). What I expect is to see an infinite "Yo" printing on the terminal (until killing the application).The problem is that when I launch the application normal (for debugging), the threads work as expected. But when I finalize the program and launch the finalize program, the thread that print the "Yo" message is only execute for maximum 1 second (if at all) and then is never execute again. Try the joined project to see what I mean. If you compile it and execute in normally in EiffelStudio, there is no problem. But if you finalize the project and execute the finalize projet, it will stop printing the "Yo" line after a second or so. I reproduce the problem on Linux Ubuntu and on Windows 7.
To Reproduce
Open the joined project With EiffelStudio, finalize the project and execute the finalize program.
Problem Report Interactions
From:titoui    Date:2012/06/04    Download   
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