PR# 17619 No VMSS(3) error for uneeded select clause when same class inherited noncormingly

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: prestoat2000
Category: Compiler
Priority: Medium
Date: 2011/06/03
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 17619
Release: 6.8.86542
Confidential: No
Status: Closed
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; SunOS sun4u; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0 Solaris 10 on SPARC
Synopsis: No VMSS(3) error for uneeded select clause when same class inherited noncormingly

A class that inherits a parent class via both conforming inheritance and
non-conforming inheritance, renames a feature in the nonconforming clause
and selects the feature (unnecessarily) in the conforming inheritance clause
should cause the compiler to report a VMSS(3) error but it does not.

Added test valid272 for this bug.
To Reproduce
Run test valid272.
Problem Report Interactions
From:alexk_es    Date:2021/02/02    Status: Closed    Download   
Fixed in rev#105171 of EiffelStudio 21.05 intermediate release.