PR# 17393 Operating system signal in {B_345_TREE}.item in EiffelStudio.

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: manus_eiffel
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2011/03/03
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 17393
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: EiffelStudio GPL Edition - win64
Synopsis: Operating system signal in {B_345_TREE}.item in EiffelStudio.

It has been a while since I saw that.

Project loaded: True
Project compiled: True
Is compiling: False
Last known class processed: EV_RICH_TEXT_IMP

******************************** Thread exception *****************************
In thread           Root thread            0x0 (thread id)
Class / Object      Routine                Nature of exception           Effect
SMART_TEXT          item @1                Segmentation violation:      
<0000000009D004E8>  (From B_345_TREE)      Operating system signal.      Fail
SMART_TEXT          item @1                                             
<0000000009D004E8>  (From B_345_TREE)      Routine failure.              Fail
EB_SMART_EDITOR     on_click_in_text @8                                 
<000000000C5BD2E8>  (From EB_CLICKABLE_EDITOR)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EB_SMART_EDITOR     on_mouse_button_down @3
<000000000C5BD2E8>  (From SELECTABLE_TEXT_PANEL)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EB_SMART_EDITOR     on_mouse_button_down @2
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EB_SMART_EDITOR     on_mouse_button_down @2
<000000000C5BD2E8>  (From EB_CLICKABLE_EDITOR)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
                    call @21               
<000000000479D6E8>  (From ACTION_SEQUENCE) Routine failure.              Fail
                    call @3                
<000000000479D6E8>  (From EV_LITE_ACTION_SEQUENCE)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EV_DRAWING_AREA_IMP call_pointer_actions @2
<000000000BF232E8>  (From EV_WIDGET_IMP)   Routine failure.              Fail
EV_DRAWING_AREA_IMP on_button_down @14                                  
<000000000BF232E8>  (From EV_WIDGET_IMP)   Routine failure.              Fail
EV_DRAWING_AREA_IMP on_right_button_down @1
<000000000BF232E8>  (From EV_WIDGET_IMP)   Routine failure.              Fail
EV_DRAWING_AREA_IMP on_right_button_down @2
<000000000BF232E8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_DRAWING_AREA_IMP window_process_message @16
<000000000BF232E8>  (From WEL_WINDOW)      Routine failure.              Fail
EV_DRAWING_AREA_IMP process_message @22                                 
<000000000BF232E8>  (From WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
WEL_DISPATCHER      window_procedure @7                                 
<000000000319A6A8>  (From WEL_ABSTRACT_DISPATCHER)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
WEL_MSG             dispatch @1                                         
<00000000031109D8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  process_message @10                                 
<000000000310FDE8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  process_underlying_toolkit_event_queue @7
<000000000310FDE8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  process_event_queue @2                              
<000000000310FDE8>  (From EV_APPLICATION_I)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  launch @3                                           
<000000000310FDE8>  (From EV_APPLICATION_I)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION      launch @2                                           
<000000000310FDB8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
ES_GRAPHIC          make @4                                             
<000000000310FD98>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EB_KERNEL           make @4                                             
<0000000003007AF8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EB_KERNEL           root's creation                                     
<0000000003007AF8>                         Routine failure.              Exit
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions