PR# 17381 Completion bug

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: manus_eiffel
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2011/03/01
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 17381
Release: 6.8
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/9.0.597.98 Safari/534.13
Synopsis: Completion bug

If you try to complete `on_window_pos_changed' in a descendant of WEL_WINDOW, it completes with:

	on_window_pos_changed (window_pos: [detachable] WEL_WINDOW_POS)

note the extra `[detachable]' that should not be present.

To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:jfiat_es    Date:2011/03/17    Download   
What do you mean?
the [detachable] should not be written in the editor, or it should not be there at all?
If your system is not in void-safe mode, this sounds normal to display it with [detachable]  .. since potentially everything is detachable.

However, maybe you suggest that we display [detachable] ONLY when there is really the "detachable" keyword?

To me, it would be the expected behavior. I also noticed this today
for instance a class such as
   class FOO
   feature -- Access
   bar: STRING

if I auto-complete "ba|" it will suggest bar: [detachable] STRING

So I would expect to see the [detachable]  (in non void-safe system), only when there is indeed the "detachable" keyword.
And I would also expect to see it in the feature flat formatter.