PR# 16846 Tooltip for error in Error List window disappears in some cases

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: prestoat2000
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2010/06/14
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 16846
Release: 6.6.83355
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Responsible: misterieking
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042715 Firefox/3.0.10 Solaris 10 on SPARC
Synopsis: Tooltip for error in Error List window disappears in some cases

In some cases, the tooltip that is displayed when I move the mouse over
an error in the Error List window disappears immediately after it is displayed.
This annoying behavior seems to be dependent on the position of the window
on the screen.  If I move the estudio window so that its bottom edge is near
the bottom of the screen, then the tooltip is displayed above the error when
I move the mouse over an error and in this case, the tooltip does not disappear.
But if I move the estudio window so that its top edge is near the top of
the screen, the tooltip disappears immediately after it is displayed.

Actually, I think it is more complicated than this.  It may also depend on the height
of the main estudio window and the height of the Error List tool.  But there are
some configurations where the tooltip always disappears.

I have attached a screenshot of a configuration where the tooltip disappears,
which may help in reproducing or tracking down the problem.

This is a really annoying problem.  I hope it can be fixed for 6.6 final release.

To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:prestoat2000    Date:2010/06/14    Download   
Attachments for problem report #16846

Attachment: Screenshot.png     Size:576069