PR# 16568 Truncated_to_real should be named rounded_to_real

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: prestoat2000
Category: EiffelBase
Priority: Low
Date: 2010/01/15
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 16568
Release: 6.5.81777
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091207 Firefox/3.5.5
Synopsis: Truncated_to_real should be named rounded_to_real

Routine `truncated_to_real' is named incorrectly.  It should be
`rounded_to_real' because it rounds rather than truncating.
Truncating means discarding the low order bits of the mantissa
and that's not how it behaves. I confirmed this by examining the bit patterns.  Test program attached in case you want to see for yourself.
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:prestoat2000    Date:2010/01/15    Download   
Attachments for problem report #16568

Attachment: test.e     Size:1186