PR# 16543 Searching in feature Implementers or Descendants does not scroll to show match

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: prestoat2000
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2010/01/08
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 16543
Release: 6.5.81777
Confidential: No
Status: Closed
Responsible: larryl
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042715 Firefox/3.0.10 Solaris 10 on SPARC
Synopsis: Searching in feature Implementers or Descendants does not scroll to show match

In at least some cases, searching for text within the Feature window in Implementers
or Descendants view does not scroll either horizontally or vertically to show the
matching text.  Although not a critical bug, this is incredily confusing.  Please fix for
6.6 if possible.

To Reproduce
Compile with attached class and config file (just need precompiled base).
Target Feature tool to {ANY}.is_equal.
Select Iimplementers or Descendants view.
Type Ctrl+F to bring up Search mini-window.
Left-click on first line in Feature windoiw.
In Search window, type "o" and then keep clicking on Next button (green down arrow).
When the matched line is not visible, the window should scroll to
   show it, but does not.  Very confusing.
Problem Report Interactions
From:larryl    Date:2010/03/17    Status: Closed    Download   
This bug is fixed in revision#82596. The fix will be available in next Eiffel Studio intermediate release.

Thanks for your report.

From:prestoat2000    Date:2010/01/08    Download   
Attachments for problem report #16543

Attachment: test.ecf     Size:1011
Attachment: test.e     Size:68