PR# 15988 Feature call on void target in {EIFNET_DEBUGGER}.generating_type_value_from_object_value in EiffelSt

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: manus_eiffel
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2009/07/08
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 15988
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: EiffelStudio GPL Edition - win64
Synopsis: Feature call on void target in {EIFNET_DEBUGGER}.generating_type_value_from_object_value in EiffelSt

I got this while running the consumer in EiffelStudio compiled against the experimental version and a System.InvalidOperationException exception was raised in ARGUMENT_PARSER.format_terminal_text

******************************** Thread exception *****************************
In thread           Root thread            0x0 (thread id)
Class / Object      Routine                Nature of exception           Effect
EIFNET_DEBUGGER     generating_type_value_from_object_value @16
<0000000002E89208>                         Feature call on void target.  Fail
EIFNET_DEBUGGER     generating_type_value_from_object_value @16
<0000000002E89208>                         Routine failure.              Fail
DUMP_VALUE_DOTNET   dotnet_generating_type_evaluated_string @5
<00000000031504B8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
DUMP_VALUE_DOTNET   generating_type_evaluated_string @3
<00000000031504B8>  (From DUMP_VALUE)      Routine failure.              Fail
DUMP_VALUE_DOTNET   generating_type_representation @15
<00000000031504B8>  (From DUMP_VALUE)      Routine failure.              Fail
                    compute_grid_display @36
<0000000003120668>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    compute_grid_row @1    
<0000000003120668>  (From ES_OBJECTS_GRID_LINE)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
                    compute_grid_row @2    
<0000000003120668>  (From ES_OBJECTS_GRID_OBJECT_LINE)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
                    computed_grid_item @2  
<0000000003120668>  (From ES_OBJECTS_GRID_LINE)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
ES_OBJECTS_GRID     compute_grid_item @9                                
<0000000006964BD8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
FUNCTION            fast_item                                           
<0000000004FC4B48>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_GRID_DRAWER_I    redraw_area_in_drawable_coordinates @105
<0000000004FCA9D8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_GRID_DRAWER_I    redraw_area_in_drawable_coordinates_wrapper @1
<0000000004FCA9D8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    wrapper @1             
<0000000004FCA7E8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
                    call @21               
<0000000004FCA7E8>  (From ACTION_SEQUENCE) Routine failure.              Fail
                    call @3                
<0000000004FCA7E8>  (From EV_LITE_ACTION_SEQUENCE)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EV_DRAWING_AREA_IMP on_paint @9                                         
<0000000006A89EE8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_DRAWING_AREA_IMP on_wm_paint @6                                      
<0000000006A89EE8>  (From WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EV_DRAWING_AREA_IMP process_message @2                                  
<0000000006A89EE8>  (From WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
WEL_DISPATCHER      window_procedure @7                                 
<0000000003652128>  (From WEL_ABSTRACT_DISPATCHER)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
WEL_MSG             dispatch @1                                         
<00000000036523C8>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  process_message @10                                 
<00000000068CC988>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  process_underlying_toolkit_event_queue @7
<00000000068CC988>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  process_event_queue @2                              
<00000000068CC988>  (From EV_APPLICATION_I)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION_IMP  launch @3                                           
<00000000068CC988>  (From EV_APPLICATION_I)
                                           Routine failure.              Fail
EV_APPLICATION      launch @2                                           
<00000000068CC958>                         Routine failure.              Fail
ES_GRAPHIC          make @4                                             
<00000000068CC938>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EB_KERNEL           make @6                                             
<00000000068CBE98>                         Routine failure.              Fail
EB_KERNEL           root's creation                                     
<00000000068CBE98>                         Routine failure.              Exit
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions
From:manus_eiffel    Date:2009/07/08    Download   
It actually always happen when you do step by step when trying to display the type of generic classes.