PR# 13214 Cloning metric via context menu does not work

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: juliant
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2007/06/18
Class: Bug
Severity: Serious
Number: 13214
Confidential: No
Status: Closed
Environment: .
Synopsis: Cloning metric via context menu does not work

If a metric is cloned via the context menu, it does not clone it but override the cloned one. This changes for example the name of a predefined metric (which acutally cannot be changed)
To Reproduce
* Open metrics
* Right click on a metric
* Select clone
* Save -> It does not work
* Refresh view (by creating a new metric for example)
* -> The cloned metric changed the name
Problem Report Interactions
From:jasonw    Date:2007/07/05    Status: Closed    Download   
Thanks for your report.
This has been fixed at rev#69313.

From:ted_eiffel    Date:2007/06/21    Status: Analyzed    Download   
This has been fixed. (not committed)

From:juliant    Date:2007/06/19    Download   
Note that for the 6.0 release, the context menu entry was removed and has to be added again.

The corresponding line is commented and marked in {EB_CONTEXT_MENU_FACTORY}.metric_metric_selector_menu