PR# 10815 Eiffel57_gpl_61570-windows.msi project settings
Problem Report Summary
Submitter: holworth
Category: Compiler
Priority: Low
Date: 2006/07/28
Class: Documentation
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 10815
Release: Eiffel57_gpl_61570-windows.msi
Confidential: No
Status: Suspended
Environment: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Synopsis: Eiffel57_gpl_61570-windows.msi project settings
In the: Eiffel57_0826_windows.msi I can cause the attached version of DATE_TIME_TOOLS to be used by the `time' library rather than the supplied version by `excluding' `english' as well as `french' and `german' in the project settings for the time library cluster. I cannot see how to do this in the: Eiffel57_gpl_61570-windows.msi NB: This is not urgent. At this stage it is just feed-back for your information.
To Reproduce
Problem Report Interactions
Thanks for the explanation. Sorry for the delay in responding.
Thanks for the feedback. This is indeed an issue with the EiffelTime library. At the moment, we have to provide 3 configuration files for the 3 languages we support and users have to choose which configuration file they want to use. In your case, you will have to create your own configuration file which includes your version of DATE_TIME_TOOLS. We are looking at rewriting the EiffelTime library so that one can provide a customized version of the DATE_TIME_TOOLS class without breaking existing code.