PR# 10743 Quick_finalize should handle errors gracefully

Problem Report Summary
Submitter: prestoat2000
Category: EiffelStudio
Priority: Medium
Date: 2006/07/23
Class: Bug
Severity: Non-critical
Number: 10743
Release: 5.7.61376
Confidential: No
Status: Open
Environment: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20060120 Solaris 10 on x86
Synopsis: Quick_finalize should handle errors gracefully

Quick_finalize should handle errors gracefully and display
an error message instead of dying with an exception trace
(meaning errors like file or directtory open, read or write

Execute `finish_freezing' in wrong directory (e.g. "/" where you
don't have permission to write anything).  Output is not very
friendly - quick_finalize should say what the problem is instead
of dying with an exception trace.  Output is:

Preparing C compilation ...

quick_finalize: system execution failed.
Following is the set of recorded exceptions:

Class / Object      Routine                Nature of exception           Effect
FAST_COMPILE        root's creation        Permission denied:
<000D4808>                                 Operating system error.       Exit
FAST_COMPILE        root's creation
<000D4808>                                 Routine failure.              Exit
To Reproduce

Problem Report Interactions